Ministries We Support
Go into all the world and preach the Gospel! How can they go unless they be sent?

We believe there are few too many ministries in our world today who are truly preaching the Truth of the Word of God. We are thankful to be apart of these ministries by financially supporting them on a monthly basis. When we help send the servants of the Lord into the havest field, it brings blessings to our church. We are included in the reward for their accomplishments. It's just God's way. What an honor it is to be a small part of what helps these ministries do what God has called them to do. 

Kathy Wampler

Biblical Priciples - Practical & Accurate Application.
John Peters
Hope International Missions, HIM
Dave Roever
SonLife Broadcasting Network

Spreading The Message of the Cross around the world.
Bobby & Wanda Perry
My Home Church Ministries

Please remember to pray for these ministries as they touch lives around the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  

Thank you for your prayer and financial support.