In Genesis 18, there is a conversation between God and Abraham concerning the judgment that God has planned for Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham is deeply concerned for his family who live there so he begins to petition God to spare the cities if there be 50 righteous there, and he continues on down to 10, however, 10 righteous cannot be found. Abraham make a statement about God's nature. He says something to this affect; will not the Judge of the earth do right? We can rest assured that when the dust has settled and all is complete the Judge of this earth will have always done exactly what is right.
This assures me that no matter what is happening and no matter how things look, that God is ultimately in charge. If I will cling to that old rugged cross, He will take me safely all the way through to victory. We can trust Him. He will always do what is right!
Choose to trust!